
Is It Time?

  Does there come a point in our lives as Pagan Elders that we should remove ourselves from teaching and/or leading? I’ve been a part of the Pagan community for many years.  I’ve taught, led public groups and private covens, been a face and a voice (and a target), organized events, done all the things that are expected of someone who calls themselves “clergy.”  More than once, I’ve questioned whether or not I’ve worn out my welcome, as it were. I’ve tried to step down before.  I know there are plenty of smart, capable people in my local community, and I know my absence wouldn’t cause any problems.  I’m sure many would welcome my absence!  But with every attempt to return to a private life, someone asks me to come out again, to help organize an event, teach a class, speak to a group.  I appreciate that some folks out there want my input with projects.  However…. I’m tired.  I’ve spent most of my life as a public figure in the Pagan community, which has had it’s ups and downs, joys and d

Don Wildgrube

 Last week, our community lost a well-respected elder.  Don Wildgrube crossed over on the ninth of April. If you are unfamiliar with his legacy within our community, I can briefly tell you he was well known for his work with the Church of All Worlds and on polyamory.  But there are others who can tell you about that. For a lot of us, it's more personal, because we lost a friend. All hail the traveler.  Until we meet again....

Only In Springfield .....

 I had something else completely different in mind this morning when I started working on a blog, but this came across my sight, and I had to say something about it: Yes, this is real.  Yes, this happened in my hometown.  This is the same church responsible for the toe-growing incident, here:    Last year, at this same conference, they had a tank roll out and crush cars.  You can read about that here: And, oh yes, that's our state senator attending last year's event. *sigh* Stuff like this goes on quite a bit in our little town.  And it generally makes national news - which is embarrassing for most of us.  But I'm starting to suspect things like this happen on purpose, because any press is good press, right?  Could

Finding Your Community

There are a lot of different paths in this spirituality we call Paganism.  You can be Druid,  Wiccan, Asatru, Hellenistic, or just a good old-fashioned kitchen Witch.  No matter what you call yourself, we’ve all got common threads that bring us together. However, in recent years, some factions have been taking the differences and using them as tools to attack and denigrate each other.  My take on this is, if no one has broken any laws, then what the hell?  Everyone does stuff, and not everyone is going to agree.  Here in my area, we have a standing policy of “agreeing to disagree.”  It doesn’t mean I condone everyone’s actions or will just stand idly by if I do see someone breaking the law or doing something unethical.  It just means we don’t attack different ideals. Paganism does tend to draw strong personalities.   You can go to any festival and see it for yourself!   Women in long, flowing dresses and tons of jewelry, men with poet’s shirts and horns on a leather thong tied around t


  Have you ever gone to an event and felt a sense of “ick” from an individual, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on why?  This is something that happens more often than we care to say, because as a Pagan, I know I want to be able to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I have also learned to trust my intuition. It is an unfortunate truth that our spirituality can attract less-than-savory characters due to our acceptance of people overall.  I personally try to meet people where they are and accept what they say about themselves without forcing anyone to fit into my own narrative.  It works well, unless they show me otherwise.  Actions do indeed speak louder than words, and no amount of explanation or song and dance routine will make me think a bad person is anything more than a bad person. About thirty years ago, there was an individual in our town who presented themselves as a grand and wise wizard who was willing to teach, but in order to “transfer power” to his students (

Celebrating Holidays

 Tonight, I'm helping to host a somewhat late celebration of Spring Equinox.  One of my coven mates was asked why we didn't celebrate on the actual equinox.  This year, it landed on a Tuesday, with the time being after ten p.m. much as we would love to be able to host ceremonies and rituals on the exact day (and maybe even the exact time), reality is we all have mundane lives, and many of us work regular 9-to-5 type jobs.  We don't have full-time clergy who only work for the Pagan community (unless they've retired from that 9-to-5 job). So we try to schedule events at a time when the most people can make it out.  Saturdays are often good, but because the weather is starting to warm up, a LOT of events are being scheduled for weekends.  We've been experimenting with earlier, midweek times, and so far, it hasn't been awful. Of course, I do try to teach people that in the end, we are all really simply solitary Pagans and Witches who choose to come toget

Spiritual Predators and Narcissists

 In the Pagan community, we seem to have more than our fair share of predators and narcissists.  I'll be posting my own essay soon, but in the meantime, here's a good article about the kind of people we really need to be avoiding: What Is Spiritual Narcissism? More soon!