Celebrating Holidays

 Tonight, I'm helping to host a somewhat late celebration of Spring Equinox. 

One of my coven mates was asked why we didn't celebrate on the actual equinox.  This year, it landed on a Tuesday, with the time being after ten p.m.  Well....as much as we would love to be able to host ceremonies and rituals on the exact day (and maybe even the exact time), reality is we all have mundane lives, and many of us work regular 9-to-5 type jobs.  We don't have full-time clergy who only work for the Pagan community (unless they've retired from that 9-to-5 job).

So we try to schedule events at a time when the most people can make it out.  Saturdays are often good, but because the weather is starting to warm up, a LOT of events are being scheduled for weekends.  We've been experimenting with earlier, midweek times, and so far, it hasn't been awful.

Of course, I do try to teach people that in the end, we are all really simply solitary Pagans and Witches who choose to come together from time to time to celebrate, and it's perfectly acceptable to celebrate the Turning of the Wheel in your way, in your own time, however you feel is the best way to celebrate for YOU.  That's one of the lovely things about our spirituality - your path is for you and you alone.


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