Only In Springfield .....

 I had something else completely different in mind this morning when I started working on a blog, but this came across my sight, and I had to say something about it:

Yes, this is real.  Yes, this happened in my hometown.  This is the same church responsible for the toe-growing incident, here:   

Last year, at this same conference, they had a tank roll out and crush cars.  You can read about that here:

And, oh yes, that's our state senator attending last year's event.


Stuff like this goes on quite a bit in our little town.  And it generally makes national news - which is embarrassing for most of us.  But I'm starting to suspect things like this happen on purpose, because any press is good press, right?  Could you imagine if the Pagan community started behaving in this manner?

Yet, these fine folks seem to get a pass every time.  Is it because the Assemblies of God world headquarters is here?  Is it because the church this particular pastor runs is considered a mega-church?  Why are we ok with this sort of bread and circus atmosphere for religious purposes?

I try not to pass judgement on people's actions, even in cases like this.  It's not nice, and you don't know what they're going through when they do what they do.  It is very difficult to keep my opinions to myself in cases like this.  It has nothing to do with spirituality or religion and everything to do with creating an atmosphere of just how much foolishness can we accept.  What does any of this have to do with creating a stronger bond with your deity?


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