Time..... for Lughnasadh

 Wow, sometimes it's just amazing how quickly time goes by!

I was puttering around the house, getting ready for tonight, and I realized it's been a minute since I said anything here, so.....here I am!

I'm sure summer is busy for everyone, and I'm no exception.  Part of my summer is spent at a renaissance faire, being a Traveler and entertainer.  We get to spend our weekends in the 1400s, antagonizing the townsfolks, avoiding the Queen, and dancing for patrons.  It's great fun, and it's also quite warm!

Because of the timing of that particular ren faire, my coven generally does Summer Solstice each on our own.  We do try to come together for sabbats and esbats, but life happens, and we don't always manage to do it.  But as we come towards the end of summer, we almost always get together for Lughnasadh, and as the director of a public Pagan entity, I also organize an open ceremony (we don't do formal ritual for open events).  And tonight is our ceremony!

While I'm here, I do want to take a second to say something about Lughnasadh.  Yes, I know a lot of people refer to it as Lammas, because it's easier to spell and all, but I'm a pain in the ass and prefer the original term, partly because "Lammas" is the Christianized version of Lughnasadh and partly because I was raised using Lughnasadh to refer to this particular sabbat.

In a way, this is one sabbat that I look forward to a lot.  This is the First Harvest, and that means we're getting ready for cooler days.  It also means we're getting ready for The Big One - Samhain!  And who doesn't love spooky season?!?  I know I do, and I'm excited to be working on our event for Samhain, too.

And I'm off to celebrate the turning of the Wheel!


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