Finding Your Community
There are a lot of different paths in this spirituality we call Paganism. You can be Druid, Wiccan, Asatru, Hellenistic, or just a good old-fashioned kitchen Witch. No matter what you call yourself, we’ve all got common threads that bring us together. However, in recent years, some factions have been taking the differences and using them as tools to attack and denigrate each other. My take on this is, if no one has broken any laws, then what the hell? Everyone does stuff, and not everyone is going to agree. Here in my area, we have a standing policy of “agreeing to disagree.” It doesn’t mean I condone everyone’s actions or will just stand idly by if I do see someone breaking the law or doing something unethical. It just means we don’t attack different ideals. Paganism does tend to draw strong personalities. You can go to any festival and see it for yourself! Women in long, flowing dresses and tons of jewelry, men with poet’s ...